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Judy, Judy, Judy!

I LOVE me some Judy Pop! Therefore, it was important for me to let her know from the get-go that I wasn't a stalker, just a BIG fan! All of my "insider information" was simply a result of doing my homework (AKA GOOGLE) to find out who this LADY BOSS really was: "Tattoo collector. Feminist. Puppy mama. Skeptic. Killer Queen. Guitar twanger. Bass thumper. Hopeless romantic. Published writer, model & MUA." However, I got seriously hooked when she confessed, "I like to educate people on (the) history and tying it into present culture. I did two term papers in college on Bettie Page." SWOON. So after six weeks of chattering, Miss Judy gave House of the Broken Dragon the HONOR of photographing her in...

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In Support of ALSO Youth

ALSO Youth's mission is to provide Advocacy, Leadership, Support, and Outreach to LGBTQIA youth and their allies. Their vision is that all persons live their lives with dignity, honesty, and pride, regardless of their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. The ALSO Drop-In Center is a safe and drug-free space where youth, ages 13 to 21, are welcome to express themselves and find support, free of ostracization and bullying. Guest speakers, field trips, and other special programming are scheduled each month, in addition to regular weekly programs. House of the Broken Dragon was invited to be a guest speaker this past week. In addition to a brief introduction of our entrepreneurial business venture, HOTBD offered two interactive activities: pillow construction and origami crane folding....

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Pretty Please with a Cherry Von Topp!

I have a love-hate relationship with photoshoots. Hate 'em b/c they can be overwhelming. Love 'em b/c the final results make my spine tingle. Like any job well done, the personal satisfaction is priceless. And as the saying goes..."it takes a village." There is so much work behind the final photos that you see on our website; identifying a model, securing makeup and hair (MUAH) artists, hiring a photographer, communicating our vision to all parties, selecting a venue, gathering the products, matching the accessories, organizing the props, finding mutually agreeable times and dates, feeding and hydrating the masses and the list goes on. It's a huge ordeal -- physically, emotionally and financially! HOTBD has had six professional photo shoots to...

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A Recap of 2015

Happy New Year!!! House of the Broken Dragon made tremendous strides this past year and we couldn't have done it without our friends (new and old), family, creative professionals and fans. We have so much to be thankful for and so many people to thank!   Before the Year of the Monkey (2016) completely absorbs us, we wanted to recap our successes of 2015. We've attempted to link everyone we have been involved with this past year in this blog post. Please take the time to check out all of these talented individuals and organizations, below: ONE NEW RETAIL CLIENT The Ringling Museum Store now sells our kimono "hipster" jackets; read the Press Release.  TWO FULL-COLOR ADVERTISEMENTS featuring Honey Kitty Cosplay wearing our Black...

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FOR RELEASE November 30, 2015, 12:00 AM (EST) LOCAL APPAREL MANUFACTURER, HOUSE OF THE BROKEN DRAGON, LAUNCHES NEW KIMONO COLLECTION FOR THE RINGLING MUSEUM GIFT STORE IN SARASOTA, FLORIDA. House of the Broken Dragon (HOTBD), an online boutique featuring couture kimonos, now offers their kimonos both online and in their first retail establishment.  HOTBD’s newest kimono line, entitled, “The Gold Series,” is available for sale at The Ringling Museum Store located in Sarasota, Florida. “The Gold Series” is an exclusive collection of high-quality, 100 percent cotton, “Asian-infused” fabrics with metallic gold threading woven throughout each garment. Each kimono is considered a fine piece of “wearable art.” The Sarasota husband and wife team have been turning heads with their innovative line of...

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